Alone, I found esoteric worlds; in silence, I heard the ancient Voice.  And from microscopic observation, I know that it is Truth.

     To distinguish oneself in society is a primary objective.  Taking the initiative to elevate oneself above the helter-skelter world of corruption is both natural and courageous, in that if She has given the woman the mind to accomplish her goals, and the woman accepts, elevation follows.  Yet, along the way, she encounters the very types of individuals who work to keep corruption on an undeserving pedestal.
     To perform honest, legal work is a divine thing. Not only does it provide one with financial assistance, it also empowers a woman with enhanced intelligence, deeper purpose and a more Amazonian strength. Women should savour these days, it was only, at the beginning of this century, that we acquired the right to vote and have our opinions be "considered", equal with man's . After being forced to feel the continual effects of racism and sexism, did we collaborate and successfully establish
Civil Rights and the complex world of Feminism!
     However, when I  encounter the types of women who seem to care less or be ignorant about these history changing ordeals, I become disgusted over their uninformed and uneducated opinions on life. Many of these women allow themselves to be degraded by men and believe that doing so gives them "power" of some sort; the woman's ignorance defeats any decency she may have had and vulgarity takes root.
     Performing acts for men that requires the woman to use her body in an unnatural manner is shameful and no: giving into erupting hormones is not natural, we are WOMEN not beasts!  This is not power but disrespect-for self!  And unfortunately, when these men venture out into public and spot an unfamiliar woman, they boldly approach her and express thoughts of criminal activity, something they believe the innocent woman "wants" or "needs".  How did our efforts for justice and equality plummet to this awful state?
     I was always impressed by women of substance, being a
Generation Xer, I adhere to Feminine Power and Versatility. My mother taught me all I needed to know about decency, appreciation of elegance and life and how to love progress through education and enlightenment;but never once did she verbally instruct me on these tenants- I learned from example. Little did she know that her daughter was observing her so closely, with loving and eager admiration. I never saw Mother behave disrespectfully, nor did I ever see my Father disrespect my Mother, they were supreme examples, I thank the Goddess for giving me parents like them.

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