Alone, I found esoteric worlds; in silence, I heard the ancient Voice.  And from microscopic observation, I know that it is Truth.

     The Solitaire has the power to observe behaviour, patterns and tendencies, ascertaining during the process what is destructive and non-beneficial to evolution. There are some who claim to be desirous for progress, yet upon observation, they are just as regressive as their opponent, in that, each has its own clique and agenda. If  she, the Solitaire, had attached herself  to any  method or philosophy  or religion before she has lived,experience and grown, she would have willfully subjected herself  to propaganda and eventual mind-loss.
     There is a strange beauty in the Solitaire way, one that is subtle and silent.  No one can claim  and speak of this state if  she or he has not easily , without  hatred or disgust for anything, relinquished all forms of flippancy  and childish play.
     Unlike the satisfaction that is derived from positive interaction with others, collaborating on worthwhile projects  and achieving something of  futuristic importance which has the potential to benefit society,  concentrating one's energies inward, seeking to detach from what is common and comfortable to something unique and testing allows us to more stealthily pass  through barriers and obtain alone that which is unreachable with a crowd.  And when that energy is released, one will feel its intensity  and many will experience its poignancy. 
     Learning the art of  self-discovery  is an arduous task that must be undertaken in order for the Solitaire to achieve passage.... If there is the slightest indication that the opposite is being sought, i/e. companionship, expulsion ensues.  There can be no self-discovery  if more than one person is involved in the process....our memory serves as companion.
     Many claim their method and philosophy  best  and correct  by  the fact(?)  theirs is rooted in a tradition that is contrary to the human condition and progress. If the tradition has a Western history  then its followers should be well- equipped to recognize contemporary  life:  the West has always sought to accelerate progress through exploration, from the ancient Egyptians to the late 20th century United States, we live for progress.  If  they  understood the ancient past, keep abreast of  the latest archaeological discoveries and had the ability to assimilate that knowledge into the post-modern Western world,  then they  would realize that our ancestors acknowledged and anticipated the future:  past, present and future were/are interwoven. Man valued man's desires  to achieve and the freedom to explore.               
     And with this knowledge,  if the purpose for reopening the past is not beneficial to education, justice or assistance in some positive form,  why  nostalgically  pine for something that has happened and been recorded?  To do so means nothing in this post-modern world because it seems either unconstitutional, outdated or borderline insane. 
     And with this knowledge, the Solitaire is armed and eager to venture into realms exclusive only  to her simply because she realizes to live is to progress and to progress is to accept the past, present  and future as one.

"The final lesson of history:Let's never go back there again." -Friedrich Nietzsche

Gabrielle Lin
19 October, 1998

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